
Friday, December 10, 2010

The tale of a beat reporter...

For the past four months my life has been taken over by a newspaper. Some may say that's impossible, but those people have never been set with the task of writing two stories every week for a student newspaper on the health/medical beat. If I was lucky a story was actually sent to me, but most of the time I was digging through websites and other papers to find people I could contact.
Some people were easy to track down. It seemed it was their job to sit waiting for the phone to ring. It was the scientists flying in and out of the country that gave me the most trouble.
If there's anything I've learned from this venture, it's that I can call anyone, even a senator and they will answer my questions and try to sound good simply because I call myself a reporter. The power that comes with that is fun and kind of scary at the same time.
I'm glad this semester is over, and I can move on to focus on other things, but I will admit I'll miss seeing my name in print and being able to walk up to anyone I want and say, "Sit down, buddy. I've got some questions for you."

1 comment:

  1. I love the quote, "Sit down buddy. I've got some questions for you." (I can just picture a confused look on their face and it makes me smile.
