
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

December 29th

The date above has little significance really, unless you're a BYU student. In that case, that is the date that represents the culmination of all your sleepless nights, tears and death glares at professors. It is the day that students and parents alike scream and cry in joy or agony as final grades appear on a student's transcript.
If the student is a nerd like me, they're afraid to look because they're not sure if their final took them from an A to A-, or if they barely boosted their grade up in their hardest class. For others they're fearfully hiding their transcript from their parents because, well, they were lucky to pass at all.
In either case sometimes there are joyful surprises that are enough to make an atheist believe there is a God above. In my case it was a class that 40% of the grade rode on the final exam. 75% of the final depended on three essays. Normally essay questions don't frighten me, but in a law class the right answer is what the professor thinks makes the most sense, and she and I didn't always agree. Problem #1. Plus, the papers were ranked by which was best down to the worst, so my grade was completely dependent on how well other communication students could write about law. Giant problem #2.
In any case I turned everything in and the night of the 29th I screamed my lungs out because there next to Media Law on my transcript was an A.

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